If math is a problem, Coolmath.com gives you the solution. It offers you, for free, lots of lessons and exercises specially made for each age and level. The site looks very childlike since the first moment you get there, but you will find that its exercises and practices covers ages from 0 to 100.
The math levels you need to see can be access from different parts of the site. While on the left side you will find math contents for ages 13-100 divided in sections as pre algebra, puzzles and geometry, the right side displays a list of sites and sub pages to find lower and higher levels.
Therefore, for ages 13-100 you need to visit Coolmath.com, but for ages 3 through 12 you should take a look at Coolmath4kids.com. If you want math games or puzzles, the pages gives you access to Coolmath-games.com.
Lessons and Practices
Detailed lessons are distributed all over the site. To enter one you just need to select the Math lessons section. Each lesson is full of explanations and examples with answers.
The math practice section allows you to complete the exercises without having to write with your pen. Just take the mouse and start completing the practices. Math dictionary and Geometry/Trig Reference are other valuable parts of the site that you can see.
URL of the page: Coolmath.com
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