Monday, October 4, 2010

Review About Kid Icarus Uprising First Trailer for the Nintendo 3DS

The first game announced for the Nintendo 3DS is Kid Icarus Uprising, which trailer showed simply amazing graphics for a portable console or handheld.

The Nintendo DS has graphics likes the ones seen on the Sega Saturn or PS1; the PSP has graphics that, in some games, have overcome the ones of the Play Station 2; but, has can be seen on the Kid Icarus trailer for the 3DS, the graphics of the new system have been improved a lot and have been compared with the ones of the Wii, PS3 and XBOX 360. Well, the new console has just been announces just a few days ago, but the Kid Icarus video has started the debate.

Talking just about the video of Kid Icarus Uprising, it shows us some details of the story as well as the enemies and allies that the hero will have. However, most of the video regards to the playability of the game: we will be able to control a hero that can fly but for a limited time. The game seems to be very fast and, thanks to the high level of fluency of the console, the levels don’t get slow even if the character is in a big open area.

Kid Icarus Uprising would be one of the launch tittles of the Nintendo 3DS.

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